
Monday, September 15, 2014


I have been thinking a lot about balance lately. I think it is one of my "themes."  

I think about how it's been the great gift of my early twenties, discovering this balance that I never really achieved in college, despite the catchy phrase in the admissions booklet -- "It's All in the Balance." 

But I've also been thinking about how sometimes you have to get a little imbalanced in the pursuit of bigger goals, like spending the night in bed with a huge deck of flashcards. 

So I loved Elise's post on Twitter last week.

Such a great reminder that we can't do all the things all the time. As I commented, I love that Fitbit shows you your weekly stats. Even though I don't hit 10,000 every day, I've always made it to 70,000 by the end of the week. I love the reminder that balance is more achievable over the course of a week, or a month, or a lifetime, than every single day.

It makes me think that our goal shouldn't be to fit in working and gardening and exercising and cooking and happy hour every single day. Sometimes making progress on studying for the GRE means that you log barely 3,000 steps on the Fitbit. And working towards one big thing (like scrambling to find a new apartment) can mean letting go of some of the little stuff (like cooking at home every night). It's okay to throw yourself into something for a while when you have to and then come up for air when you can.

Because, yep, it all balances out in the end.

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