
Monday, July 6, 2015

A weekend in food photography

An accidental theme emerged when I looked through my photos from my weekend with my parents in St. Michaels, MD - I have apparently carved out a niche for myself as the official family food photographer.

I miss the days when summer meant endless weeks at our house on the shore, drinking iced tea and sailing with my sister and reading Harry Potter and watching the same movies over and over again. But I'm so glad I live close enough make it out there a few times every year. These weekends bring out a fairly unambitious side of me - they make me feel like no matter what I'm doing with my life, as long as I get some shore time every summer, I'm golden. Like: more of this please, thanks.


  1. These are gorgeous photos - they look straight out of Bon Appetit!

  2. Lovely! I just found your blog by following your link in a comment on Elise's blog. (I read hers every day.) I love what I see so far and can't wait to dig a little deeper!
